
Tips for Falling Off an Electric Skateboard without Injury

Apr 19, 2023

Tips for Falling Off an Electric Skateboard without Injury - WOWGO BOARD


  1. Introduction
  2. Common injuries when falling off an electric skateboard
  3. Tips for falling off safely
  4. Wear Protective Gears
  5. Conclusion


Riding an electric skateboard can be thrilling, but it also poses risks of injury from falls or accidents. While electric skateboards are convenient transportation, any board with wheels at high speeds can be hazardous if the rider loses control or balance. Falling off an electric skateboard, even at a moderate speed, can lead to cuts, bruises, fractures, and other agonizing traumas. It is of utmost importance for riders to implement safety measures and acquaint themselves with the correct methods for dismounting an electric skateboard to minimize the probability of injury. By adhering to fundamental tips, riders can savor the thrill of their electric skateboard while reducing potential risks.

Common injuries when falling off an electric skateboard

Falling off an electric skateboard poses greater dangers than a traditional skateboard. The higher speed and power of electric skateboards means that riders experience more force and momentum, which leads to more severe injuries. Common injuries from electric skateboard falls include road rash, abrasions, and lacerations from scraping against pavement, as well as sprains, strains, and breaks from the forces on joints and limbs.

At higher speeds, the damage can be catastrophic. Riders can suffer traumatic brain injuries from not wearing helmets, broken collarbones or shoulders from bracing a fall with outstretched arms, or internal bleeding. The lithium-ion batteries used in electric skateboards also become a hazard, as they can overheat, explode or catch fire on impact. These heavy-duty batteries essentially turn the skateboard into a powerful weapon if it strikes a rider at speed.

Due to the speeds, weights, and battery power of electric skateboards, any fall or collision needs to be taken seriously. While injuries are always possible with skateboarding, the types of impacts and hazards are significantly greater with electric skateboards. Riders must recognize and accept these risks before riding to ensure they take the proper precautions to avoid injury. Only by understanding the dangers can riders stay safe and continue to enjoy this thrill sport.

Tips for falling off safely

If there is an accident resulting in a fall, staying calm can be difficult. However, remembering to tuck, roll, and relax is critical if anticipating a crash.

Tucking the head down towards the chest can prevent the head from slamming into the ground first. Rolling upon impact reduces the likelihood of severe injuries compared to stopping suddenly. Sliding along the ground increases the risk of painful road or trail rash. Relaxing the body helps prevent injuries by allowing muscles to absorb the force of impact. Here are some tips for falling off safely:

  1. Engage in repetitive rolling exercises on a soft surface like a carpet or gym mat. This will enable you to develop the reflex of rolling when you tumble, which can effectively absorb the impact and mitigate pressure.
  2. Progress to performing these maneuvers on a hard surface, such as the ground you would fall on while riding your skateboard. This step is crucial as it simulates a realistic fall scenario.
  3. Once you have gained confidence in rolling, attempt to leap off your board and roll as you make contact with the ground. Though it may cause discomfort initially, with regular practice, you can refine this technique.
  4. When you fall from your electric skateboard, avoid the FOOSH mechanism, which is when you reach out your arm to break the fall. This action can result in injuries so frequently that medical personnel have an acronym for it. Falling onto an outstretched hand places all of your weight on your arm, potentially causing fractures in the hand, wrist, forearm, humerus, or even the collarbone. Keeping your arms close to your body during a fall can help prevent these types of injuries.

Remember, falling off an electric skateboard is a risk, but with these tips, you can minimize the chances of injury and ride with more confidence.

Wear Protective Gears

Protective gear is essential when operating an electric skateboard to prevent injury. No ride is worth risking life or limb over, so wearing a helmet, elbow and knee pads, and gloves is mandatory for any skateboarding activity.

A helmet protects the head and brain from impacts if falling off the board or colliding with an object. Elbow and knee pads shield joints from scrapes and cracks upon landing. And gloves provide an extra layer of padding for hands while also improving grip, preventing cuts and abrasions.

This safety equipment gives riders the confidence to push themselves further and take on more advanced tricks and terrain without fear of severe injury from a wipeout. No thrill is worth losing mobility or consciousness over. Always prioritizing protective gear on each and every ride will help ensure many more adventures to come as injuries are avoided or minimized. Precaution and prevention are far less expensive and traumatic than medical bills and recovery. Proper safety equipment is essential for skateboarding enjoyment and longevity.


Though the thrill of skateboarding comes from pushing limits, maintaining balance is key to continuing the sport for a long time. Learn lessons from every wipeout and near miss, and apply them to the next ride. Safety is the smartest skill set for any extreme sport. By anticipation, preparation, and precaution, injuries can be avoided and the joy of skateboarding can endure. The goal is not ending up hurt, but continuing to ride another day. Fall, roll and live to tell-that's a successful tale from any skateboarding adventure.

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